
Mill Levy Community Initiatives

Apply for 2025 Mill Levy Community Initiative Funding

Supporting organizations that serve Denver residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) is a priority of Rocky Mountain Human Services (RMHS). Each year, the Denver Mill Levy Program allocates funds through its Community Initiatives program to local organizations that provide a wide array of innovative services for individuals with I/DD that are not otherwise funded by other programs or resources.

High-priority focus areas for organizations interested in receiving this funding in 2025 include:

  • Crisis Support (birth-lifespan): Mental health and emergency residential supports and stabilization
  • System Gaps (birth-lifespan): Enhancing functionality and outcomes in education, healthcare, and technology
  • Outreach and Navigation (birth-lifespan): Connecting families and adults with long-term services, supports, and resources that promote independence in a community of their choice, inclusion, and economic stability
  • Post-Secondary Education and Competitive Employment (youth and adults): Forward-thinking educational and employment opportunities that challenge ableism, stereotypes, and limiting beliefs to meet modern needs

Note: While these are high-priority focus areas, funding is available to all organizations serving individuals with I/DD in the City and County of Denver.

Program Eligibility

Organizations supported by RMHS Mill Levy funding must primarily serve or support residents of the City and County of Denver with I/DD, children up to age five with developmental delays, and persons seeking a developmental disability or delay determination. RMHS considers the following individuals Denver residents:

  • An individual physically residing in Denver with a verified address per the City Council District Map
  • An individual experiencing homelessness presenting in Denver and intending to stay in Denver
  • An individual under 21 years of age and in the custody of Denver Human Services
  • An individual under 18 years of age and in primary legal and residency custody of a resident of Denver

Helpful Documents

To ensure a smooth application process for Mill Levy funding, we recommend having all the documents below open while completing your application. The Line-Item Budget Template must be downloaded, filled out, and submitted separately via email. Please review the instructions carefully and refer to the application scoring guide to ensure all requirements are met.

Submit an Application

Click here to submit your application. Applications will be accepted until November 15, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my organization have to serve individuals with I/DD?

The project or work of your organization must benefit individuals with I/DD but can target other populations. For example, if your proposal is focused on training for special education teachers, your proposal should include an explanation of how the training will directly benefit people with I/DD.

What do you consider to be “innovative services” for individuals with I/DD?

Something that we have never heard of or something that covers a gap in existing services. We had several proposals that were similar in intent last year, so they were unique only if they sought to meet a need in a unique way.
View the 2024 Community Initiatives here.
Do you require financial statements or tax filings from our organization to be submitted with our proposal?

No, RMHS doesn’t require any financial documents to be submitted with your proposal.
What supporting documentation is required for invoicing?

We use the items included in your proposal budget to determine what is needed for documentation. For example, if you include consultants or staff in the budget, we will require documentation for their time worked. If you are purchasing tangible items, please keep receipts. The requirement is for you to maintain back-up documentation for your expenses when you submit your invoice.
Can I submit a proposal that is outside of the high-priority funding area?


Will RMHS help with the RFP application?

We can only help with technical assistance and are unable to assist applicants with proposal content.
If selected as a Community Initiative, will you help me find participants for my organization?

RMHS will support and share out the resource across eligible programs. Any ongoing referrals or marketing is the responsibility of the initiative.
Can I submit a proposal without the required documentation?

Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Can I include additional documents, such as recommendation letters, with my proposal?

You may include any additional documents, but they cannot take the place of any part of the proposal.
How many proposals can I submit?

There is no limit to the number of proposals that you can submit.
For larger projects that can be separated into multiple proposals, would you recommend submitting multiple proposals?

Our preference is to submit one proposal unless the subprojects are so distinct that they can be independently defined and budgeted.

About Mill Levy- Funded Community Initiatives

The Community Initiatives program is made possible by the generous support of Denver taxpayers, who in 2003 overwhelmingly approved a one mill property tax levy to fund services and supports for people with I/DD. This funding is used to build a strong network of community organizations offering unique programs for individuals with I/DD. The Denver Human Services’ I/DD Equitable Access to Services (IDDEAS) program contracts with RMHS to develop programming and expend local Mill Levy tax dollars to further address access barriers and service gaps for eligible Denver residents. As the state designated community center board (CCB) and case management agency (CMA) for the city and county of Denver, RMHS is the fundamental access point to Denver’s I/DD service delivery system.

If you have questions about becoming a 2025 Mill Levy Community Initiative or the application process, send them to