New Year’s Resolutions for a Better 2023
January 24, 2023

The new year is a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the past year and make new goals for the year ahead. Finding ways to improve our lives is one of the most inspiring and fulfilling goals we can make, and there are endless ways for individuals of all ability levels to participate in the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. Here are a few of the most enriching New Year’s resolutions and how community resources can help you or a loved one achieve them.
Learn a New Skill
One of the best ways to build confidence and capability in life is by learning a new skill. Any kind of new skill can benefit the mind and body, from recreational to career-based skills. When choosing a new skill to learn, it can help to start with what you are interested in. What do you like to watch other people do? What have you thought about doing, but never started? What ideas excite you and how might you bring some of these ideas to life? Once you answer these questions, the next step is to make a plan for how you will build your skill level at your chosen activity. Regular commitment to practice is important, and so is gathering your resources, such as equipment, transportation, and the people around you.
There are programs here in Denver built to help connect you to these exact resources, such as TACT. TACT (Teaching the Autism Community Trades) is an award-winning Mill Levy Community Initiative that empowers individuals on the autism spectrum by educating them in the skilled trades. The founders of TACT believe that interests and talents can become fulfilling careers for members of the autism community, and they strive to make this happen by providing hands-on, comprehensive training for willing students on the spectrum in auto mechanics, welding, STEM, and more. They also partner with local companies to provide effective transitions into employment. If you or someone you know might be interested, learn more about TACT here.
Improve Your Self-Care
Another important goal that everyone can benefit from is improving the care we give to ourselves. Whether you are a caretaker, a neurodiverse individual, someone with physical differences, or just someone who could use some more TLC in your life, consider being the one to give that to yourself on a regular basis. Many people think of a bubble bath or a face mask when they hear the word “self-care,” and while self-care certainly can involve some physical pampering, it looks different for everyone, and at times means challenging yourself.
It can be hard to realize what you may need on a given day or week when you’re feeling burnt out or frazzled, but the first step is to check in with yourself and your body. Do you need rest? Or do you need to get out of the house or office? Some popular methods of self-care include improving your sleep, going for a walk in nature, cleaning something, spending quality time with your loved ones, making a gratitude list, watching a sunset, watching a funny show or video, or trying something new.
Another powerful way to care for yourself is to access your creative side. Access Gallery is a Mill Levy Community Initiative dedicated to providing opportunities for people with disabilities to explore and benefit from the arts. They help aspiring artists with disabilities to develop their skills for both personal and career growth, and their free gallery in Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe is open to anyone to enjoy and purchase their students’ art.
Enhance Your Relationships
Deepening your relationships with others is one of the most effective things you can do to enrich your life. Connections with others can bring us so much joy, peace, and love in life, and these connections can help you grow in many new ways. Finding your way to better relationships with the people in your life can be as simple as reaching out to someone. Who in your life would appreciate an invitation to have lunch or coffee with you? What could you do to let a loved one know that you care about them? How could you bring new people into your life and build connections with them?
Joining a group can be a great way to meet new people and create fulfilling new relationships. Revel is a Mill Levy Community Initiative that fights high rates of isolation among individuals on the autism spectrum by providing them with opportunities to develop meaningful relationships, learn new skills, and explore their interests through fun activities and events. They have programs focused on social connection, employment skills, and more, with a calendar full of events to join in the new year. Learn more about Revel here.
There are always opportunities for growth, this year and every year. As we move forward into 2023, RMHS is honored to continue working with the community to connect individuals and their families to the resources they need to thrive.