Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2022
October 23, 2022

Supporting those in need this holiday season
The holidays are a time to celebrate, enjoy time with loved ones, and spread goodwill in the community. In this generous spirit, many of us will choose to donate time and resources to those in our communities who are in need of support, and Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is an annual opportunity to do so.
In America, 580,000 individuals are homeless on a typical night, one in six children live in poverty, and 38.2 million Americans live in food-insecure households. Worldwide, these figures are more dire. Six children die every minute from a hunger-related disease, 828 million people live with hunger, and more than 700 million individuals live on less than two dollars per day.
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week (Nov. 12-20) was created in response to figures like these almost 50 years ago. The first Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week was held at Villanova University in Pennsylvania in 1975. Since then, the cause has made progress and grown to include sponsorships and support from organizations at every level, from local to national. Every year, the week before Thanksgiving is filled with events across the country intended to raise awareness about poverty, hunger, and homelessness, educate communities about these issues, and increase support for these causes.
There are plenty of opportunities to participate in Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week and make a difference this holiday season. Here are some local events and organizations that offer ways to help.
Community Table 25×25 Food Drive
Community Table, a food pantry located in Arvada, is holding their second annual 25×25 food drive in connection with Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. Their goal is to collect 25,000 lbs of non-perishable food by December 25th and the event kicks off on Monday, November 14th. There will be collection points where anyone can drop off donations at these locations from November 14th to December 25th:
Community Table: 8555 West 57th Avenue
Apex Center: 13159 West 72nd Avenue
Arvada Center: 6901 Wadsworth Boulevard
King Soopers Candelas: 14967 Candelas Parkway
Wheat Ridge Recreation Center: 4005 Kipling Street
Wheat Ridge City Hall: 7500 West 29th Avenue
For more information, please visit Community Table’s website.
Colorado Fund for People with Disabilities’ Mission Supports Program
The Colorado Fund for People with Disabilities (CFPD)’s Mission Supports Program serves people who have an intellectual or developmental disability and are experiencing housing insecurity or homelessness. The Mission Supports Program connects these individuals with resources and support to help them find housing or remain housed. CFPD is also a Mill Levy Community Initiative.
To learn more, please visit CFPD’s Mission Supports Program website.
Metro Caring
Metro Caring is a food bank that provides nutritious groceries and anti-hunger resources to those in need of support in the Denver community. Metro Caring accepts donations of both food and funds in many forms. To enhance their mission of providing nutritious options to the individuals and families they support, Metro Caring provides a list of suggested food donations on their website here.
For more information, please visit Metro Caring’s website.
Jovial Concepts
Jovial Concepts is a nonprofit organization and a Mill Levy Community Initiative that works to improve access to healthy foods for underserved communities in the Denver area. Their Jovial Gardens program converts lawns into organic gardens to provide high quality and nutritious foods to those in need.
To learn more and find out how you can host a garden, please visit the Jovial Gardens program website.
Hunger and homelessness are a reality for many individuals and families, but dedication and involvement from our communities can and does reduce this number. Together, we can improve the lives of those in need.
To learn more about Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week or find out how your organization can host an event next year, visit Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week’s website.