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Jonathan Meets his Role Model

Jonathan Meets his Role Model

Jonathan loves Elmo! He has a stuffed Elmo doll that goes everywhere with him, and has for years. As well as acting as a great companion, his stuffed Elmo has also been a great teaching tool and role model for Jonathan who is 11 years old with Cerebral Palsy.

While Jonathan is able to walk, he has some challenges with his mobility, which can make some motor skills frustrating for him and a struggle for his family to go out in the community. However, the stuffed Elmo has been helpful in teaching Jonathan how to care for himself and improve his skills. By illustrating self-care skills on Elmo first, Jonathan is able to then replicate and practice these skills on himself. Jonathan has learned more fine motor skills this way, such as learning how to dress and undress himself. In addition, by caring for and learning from the stuffed Elmo, Jonathan has learned how to exhibit compassion and selflessness toward others.

Recently, Jonathan’s Service Coordinator, Abby Grinstead, helped the family get funding through the City & County of Denver mill levy for Jonathan and his mom to go see the Sesame Street Live show in Denver together. This opportunity allowed Jonathan to see the “real” Elmo, his role model that has had an incredibly powerful connection to him and his development, and his mom the opportunity to share this experience with her son. This live show also provided Jonathan the opportunity to share his excitement and experience with other children around his age, which he often does not get to have.

Thank you, Denver, for providing funding for Jonathan to see Elmo!

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